2011年9月28日 星期三

Meet the Candidates: Donna Short Woodham

ECONOMY - I will focus on bringing living wage blue-collar and white-collar jobs to Smyrna. As mayor I will become a member of the Green Chamber of the South, which was created by two Georgia Tech professors. Their intent for the Green Chamber of the South is to bring all green companies under one roof. Being a member of the Green Chamber of the South has its advantages. It will keep me updated to the ever-changing green technology. I will have first knowledge when green companies want to expand or start-up here in the south. Being mayor means you are the spokesperson for your city. When green companies are looking to expand to other cities, having a mayor who is updated and knowledgeable about green technology will be to Smyrna's advantage. Also, being a member means our city can be a host to future conferences.

EQUALITY - No matter where we live or the income we make or the different backgrounds we all have, we deserve respect.

ENERGY - We must reduce the cities consumption of water and electricity. Other cities are doing this in the simplest ways. One simple way is to change the street lights and the school flashing lights to LED lighting. Cities that have changed to LED lights have saved thousands of dollars; these dollars can be returned back into the general fund to keep the city strong financially.

ENVIRONMENT - A wise government should provide a balance between the built and the natural environment. We need stronger tree ordinances and compassionate development. The city could be a leader in becoming green; it also, could be a host for green education and seminars. It will only start now if I am elected mayor.

ENGAGEMENT - The first 100 days I will assess my surroundings. I will get to know my office staff, and all my city employees. I will have an open door policy. You my neighbors will always be able to reach me. I will go back to the neighborhoods, and have informal listening parties. I will continue to meet with the citizens until we get Smyrna right.

In addition to the five E's, I would focus on:

SPLOST PROJECTS - As mayor, I will have a sign at all SPLOST projects. The sign will state the following information: the start date, the finish date, the cost of the project, and a picture and or description of the project. Transparency and honesty should matter to all. With the right leadership this can happen.

