SunSi Energies Inc., an internationalmanufacturer, seller and distributor of energy products andsolutions, today announced it has entered into an agreement withOn-Site Analysis Inc. ("OSA") to conduct a trial of SunSi's LightskyLED lighting products. OSA, a Florida-based company, will implement atest analysis over a three month period to measure energy savings andquantify the benefits of using the Lightsky LED lighting products atits 15,000 square foot manufacturing facility located in Marlborough,Massachusetts.
A light emitting diode ("LED") is a semiconductor device whichconverts electricity into light. LED lights are often considered a"green energy source" due to the absence of dangerous chemicals likemercury and their significant reduction in energy consumption withinvarious applications; ranging from 50% to 70% of traditional lightingproducts.
SunSi's LED lighting products are manufactured by ShanghaiLightsky ("Lightsky"), a leading manufacturer of LED products forcommercial and residential consumers with a large product portfolioranging from illumination and architectural lighting, to extra-largeoutdoor and indoor video LED display systems. Lightsky's productshave also been utilized in numerous high profile projects, includingShanghai International Airport, 2010 Shanghai World Expo, ShanghaiMetro Station and at Hong Kong University.
OSA is a global leader in the manufacturing and distribution ofon-premise diagnostic instruments used to reduce equipment fleetoperating costs while favorably impacting the environment throughreduced hazardous waste disposal and consumption of naturalresources.
Positioned as both a technology and environmental company,OSA has an exceptional record of helping Fortune 500 companies,militaries, municipalities and multi-location fleet service providersreduce their consumption of oil by providing them with the technologyto safely extend the time interval between scheduled changes. OSAexpects to enter into a sub-distribution agreement with SunSi wherebyOSA will have the opportunity to offer Lightsky's LED technology tovery large energy consumers in the transportation, manufacturing anddistribution industries where OSA has numerous, high levelrelationships.
David Natan, SunSi's CEO, stated, "OSA is an ideal location to begindemonstrating the efficacy of our LED products because of OSA'sexpertise in quantifying test results, and their track record ofsuccess in commercializing their breakthrough energy-relatedtechnology to high profile companies. We are confident that we canclearly demonstrate the cost benefits of LED lighting through thesignificant reduction in energy consumption, as well as by generatingsavings in maintenance costs due to the significant reduction in thefrequency of required bulb replacement. We look forward to OSAbecoming a key sub-distributor of our LED products to their extensiveclient base in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico where we have theexclusive rights to Lightsky's products."
Jim Greer, Executive VP for OSA, stated, "We are very excited abouthaving the opportunity to install Lightsky's LED products at ourwarehouse facility in Massachusetts, and believe that the conversionfrom traditional lighting to energy saving LED lighting will begin toaccelerate dramatically in the upcoming years. We have alreadystarted to contact some of our key customers to inform them aboutLightsky's LED products and our cost savings quantification test, andlook forward to a long-term relationship with Lightsky."