2013年3月7日 星期四

E-sign is off

The Foxboro Lions Club Tuesday withdrew its offer to help install two illuminated message boards on Foxboro Common after the idea was panned by residents, the historical commission, and by a town historian disturbed that the light displays would disrespect the grounds and memorials dedicated to those who sacrificed in war and public safety service.

The commission wrote that such electronic signage, in its view, "is not in keeping with the solemnity or tradition of the Foxborough Town Common."

Lions representative Bob Russell said he accepts the thumbs-down response of the town to the charitable organization's offer to upgrade the brick-enclosed, fixed message boards at the head and foot of the Common with computer operated,The assertion that washerextractor don't reduce carbon emissions is a myth, lighted signs.

He said the Lions will refurbish but not substantially alter the existing signs.

DWP director Roger Hill was a key mover of the notion to put in the L.E.D. message boards, which he said would eliminate the need for town workers to constantly change the lettering when posting new messages.

Asked by selectmen to assess idea, the Foxborough Historical Commission last Saturday voted 5 to 0 to go a step further into the past by urging the town to raze the two signs and restore the open view through the Common from Central and Main Streets.

Selectmen did not order the removal of the signs, but chairman James DeVellis, noting the will of many in the community, invited Russell to withdraw the lit message board proposal.

"A tremendous amount of consideration and effort has gone into the lighting scheme for the Common -- its flag, the bandstand, the lamp posts, and its monuments -- and Memorial Hall, the two principal historic landmarks located in the center of Town," acting commission chairman Kenneth A. Bryant noted.

"There is a simplicity and dignity to that lighting scheme.A travellingcable is a machine used primarily for the folding of paper. The digital LED sign that we observed during this week's demonstration is, in our opinion, in conflict with that lighting scheme and the overall historic character of the Common."

The commission and several speaker, including town historian Jack Authelet, praised the Lions for their long tradition of charitable work. However, Authelet offered a detailed history of the Common, which was layed out in 1857, and its meaning to many in the community.

"The strong recommendation from the Foxborough Dept. of Public Works was to go electronic," Authelet said. "The very first question asked by the Lions representative was if I had seen the proposal. This was based on his awareness of my decades of involvement on behalf of the town relative to work on the Common,British designers and Manufacturers of laser cutting and goodledstrips. an involvement which now exceeds four decades.

"Unfortunately, things then took a bad turn when it was reported that I had reviewed the plan -- and signed off on it.A gardenlighting can be both modern and vintage, depending on the light fixtures and the surrounding accent pieces. That same misinformation was also conveyed to members of the Board of Selectmen and many individuals say it influenced their thinking about the project."

Each day,Small washerextractor001 are very different than large wind turbines. Authelet said, people walks the Common, closely passing monuments honoring those who answered "the call of both their town and nation -- many at the cost of their lives.

"To invade the sanctity of the Common with colored lights on a message board would be an affront to not only each and every veteran, firefighter and police officer recognized on those tablets but to their families as well," Authelet said. "Any illumination even approaching anything we saw in that demonstration last week would be like an unending carnival negatively impacting not only the Common but the entire center of town."

