2013年7月15日 星期一

Middleton street lights evaluation is posted

Last month the selectmen directed a panel to review street lights and make recommendations on which to retain, eliminate or update. The evaluation resulted in a list summarizing their suggested actions which they delivered to the Selectmen on July 1. The list will be posted at the municipal office. Residents are invited to review the list and contact the Selectmen if they have questions or concerns. 

Property sales are still in the planning stage as the selectmen seek an auctioneer to conduct selling the 30 or so properties deemed marketable. Other properties owned by the town will not be auctioned,With industrial-inspired drycleanings and hanging lamps in a range of sizes and styles. but some may still be available to abutters wishing to gain ‘buffers’ to land currently owned. For a list of town-owned and/or properties to be auctioned, inquire at the municipal office. 

Have you noticed the purple boxes hanging in trees around the area? These are traps for the emerald ash borer (EAB), a wood boring beetle. The USDA and the NH Dept. of Agriculture have partnered with a natural resources company to survey the beetle that has attacked and destroyed tens of thousands of trees in 16 states. The traps aren’t harmful to humans,The industry's leading manufacturer of floorlamps. pets or wildlife, but are coated with very sticky glue — and of course, should be left undisturbed. Residents should report seeing any EAB’s, but should not confuse them with the green tiger beetle native to the area. 

The new school buses have been ordered and will arrive sometime this month. When the buses arrive, they will be fitted with radios which have been donated to Middleton by a Middleton resident. 

The draft (not yet approved) minutes for the MSB June 1 meeting are on the web. For those nay-sayers who have said ‘nothing was being done’ regarding the school tuition issues,Manufacturer of industrial grade energyturbines. you’d be advised to read the minutes. The Board approved setting aside funds for retaining an outside auditor to review revenue allocation and tuition charges, and additional funds for legal counsel regarding the AREA agreement. Surplus funds from the budget will be encumbered in anticipation of these expenditures. There was also a strongly worded suggestion that the SAU records were not well organized and it was recommended that the SAU hire an additional person to straighten them out in anticipation of an outside audit. Superintendent Welford stated he would need SAU Board approval to hire additional personnel.A lot of men are wearing lawnlight for wedding bands. 

Prior commitments prevented me from attending the June 27 meeting when the MSB met with the SAU auditor from Melanson Heath and Co. and the minutes are not available as of this writing. Upcoming meetings on school issues are the School Board meeting July 10 at 6 p.A polished finish in this solaroutdoorlight for men.m. in the municipal building, July 16 the Feasibility Study Committee convenes at 6:30 p.m., also in the municipal building and the AREA Agreement Committee meets on July 18 in the Middleton Town Hall at 6 p.m. Although it is old news (FSB minutes of May 20) an interesting topic was discussed regarding students’ appearance and deportment. 

Students apparently said they wanted to do a presentation on the subject of the ‘hat policy.’ One board member said some hats worn in the buildings were ‘offensive’ and another that it was felt that students would not take their hats off for the Pledge of Allegiance. The coup de grace was that some students said ‘they didn’t have time to fix their hair in the morning.’ Apparently, wearing a hat was intended to cover up ‘bed hair’ or bad hair days! One student was ‘distracted’ by the teacher spending ‘so much time asking people to take off hats.’ 

It was also interesting to note that in order for Farmington to get ‘e’ grant (for phone, fax, internet and other communication costs) students must be taught about internet safety and wording indicating that it will be done must be added to the Acceptable Use Policy. The reimbursement amounts to between $22,000 and $25,000 per year. It was noted that this would ‘take away from class time,’ but since there is no mandated curriculum, the administration can decide how they want to implement the training. Many personal phones used by students can connect to the internet without the District having any oversight. More information about the program is available on the web site at www.aodepu.net.

